Core Apathy


Tue Sep 10 14:53:00 CDT 2024

Why Static Website didn't not work on AWS

This site is a singular web page hosted from an S3 bucket with CloudFront as the ingress. Route53 controls the DNS, and ACM provided the SSL cert. What apparently was missing from my setup of these resources was a bucket policy allowing for get permissions for the contents of the S3 bucket. Took going through the documentation a couple of times to figure that out.

Docs referenced

Interesting Links

Fri Jul 3 11:33:02 CDT 2020

Personal knowledge systems

All the following were found via Hacker News.

Foam -
Zettlr -
Take Smart Notes -
Niklas Luhmann’s Card Index: The Fabrication of Serendipity -

Fri Jun 19 23:25:30 CDT 2020

Felix Klock AMA -
Also includes Simon Peyton Jones, Byron Cook (AWS formal methods), Bjarne Stroustrup, and other interesting interviewees.

Byron Cook: Formal Reasoning about the Security of Amazon Web Services

SharePoint Framework Tutorial 1 - HelloWorld WebPart